A few months ago, I decided to start a newsletter to augment this blog. It is a monthly newsletter that features a digest of my posts here and of relevant things I write elsewhere. I also include links to other management and productivity things I find on the web, announcements of upcoming classes and seminars, and occasionally some additional thoughts on management that I don’t post anywhere else.
You can see the details, including an archive of past issues, and sign up for it under the “Newsletter” tab on this site.

Having decided to go to the trouble of writing a newsletter, I of course want people to read it, so I’ve decided to run a little promo for it. If you sign up this week, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a free signed copy of the print edition of Laura Vanderkam’s What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, which includes all three of the short ebooks in the series- What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, and What the Most Successful People Do at Work.
If you’re already a newsletter subscriber, thank you! And don’t worry, you’ll be entered into the drawing, too.
I’ll pick the winner on Sunday, August 30, at 9 p.m. pacific time.
Full disclosure, I won this book in a random drawing run by the author, who is a friend of mine. Since I already have all three of the short ebooks included, I asked Laura if she’d mind if I used the book to help promote my newsletter. Being the awesome person that she is, she said “sure, go for it!” and so here we are.
There is, of course, nothing to stop you for signing up now and then unsubscribing once the drawing is over. It is up to me to make the newsletter useful enough that you’ll want to stay subscribed. So, sign up now. The next edition of the newsletter comes out one week from today!
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