Category: <span>project management</span>

career Chronicle Vitae reposts project management

There is a passage of Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal that has stayed with me since I read the book more than two years ago. The book is about aging and…

management techniques project management

project management

My husband and I just bought a Tesla. It is a very different buying experience – done primarily by website and text message. Being an engineer and a project manager,…

communication project management

career project management

project management

personal productivity project management

No, that title is not a reference to the current political situation. The current political situation, however, is partly to blame for my longer than usual period of silence here.…

communication project management

I have been managing distributed teams for as long as I have been a manager. This has probably had a profound effect on how I manage overall. It is probably also…

management techniques project management

In my last post, I wrote about the first thing I do when I take on a new project as the project manager (or whatever that particular organization calls “the…

project management Uncategorized