Category: <span>management techniques</span>

Chronicle Vitae reposts management techniques

There is a passage of Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal that has stayed with me since I read the book more than two years ago. The book is about aging and…

management techniques project management

management techniques personal productivity

career management techniques

I like to say that we should manage the work, and mentor the people. But I have to admit, my knowledge of how to manage the work is much stronger…

career communication management techniques

I have been managing distributed teams for as long as I have been a manager. This has probably had a profound effect on how I manage overall. It is probably also…

management techniques project management

I am a process geek. I love working out how to make a process more efficient. However, sometimes working on your process is the wrong thing to do. Sometimes, you…

management techniques

management techniques

From time to time, I come across someone who argues that they don’t need to know how to manage projects. They have hired smart people, and those people know what…

management techniques project management

management techniques