I’ve been absent from this space for awhile. That’s not because I am lacking for topics I want to address- in fact, I have quite a backlog of posts I’d like to write. I’ve just been busy with other things.
First, I took a vacation. A very good friend of mine got married in France, and there was no way I was going to miss that! Thanks to the generosity of my parents, who came and stayed with my two children for ten days, my husband and I had our first vacation without the kids. The wedding was in Dax, and was beautiful. We also visited Bordeaux, which is a delightful, accessible city- even for someone with weak French skills, and St. Jean de Luz, a wonderful little town in the Pays Basque.

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. And I didn’t do any work at all while I was on it!
Of course, taking a real vacation means coming back to a bit of a backlog of work. I’ve been catching up on that. I also gave a short talk about effective self-promotion for women for the San Diego AWIS chapter’s Strategy Sessions series. This is not a topic that comes naturally to me, but I enjoyed the chance to do the research to put together the talk. As is so often the case when women seem to be doing something counter to their own interests, there is more to the story. Women will not get the same results as men if they just self-promote like men do. We need to be more savvy about how we do this, or we will run afoul of implicit biases about how women are supposed to behave.
I am always a bit nervous about sharing my slides, because I’m the sort of speaker who says a lot of things that aren’t on the slides. I worry that the slides won’t tell enough of the story. I decided to get past that fear this time, though, and have made the slides available on SlideShare.
Since I was in the mood to share slides, I also uploaded my slides about getting ready to conduct your first non-academic job search, from the presentation I mentioned back in February.
While I’m sharing things: my latest article for Chronicle Vitae went live yesterday. It is about setting boundaries on your work: why you should do it, and how I do it.
Of course, I am also busy preparing for my Get More Done class, which starts a week from today. You can still sign up! Registration is open until Friday, and there are a few seats still left in the class.
And with that, I think I’ll close this update and get back to class preparations. I hope to get to my backlog of post topics soon- but first, I want to make the class as good as it can possibly be. I’m really excited about how it is coming together, and hope you’ll join me for it.
Interesting read, great blog!