Author: <span>Melanie</span>

Chronicle Vitae reposts management techniques


career Chronicle Vitae reposts project management

When San Diego county issued their “stay at home” order, I thought I might find more time to write, since I wouldn’t be commuting or driving my kids to various…

book club wellbeing

There is a passage of Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal that has stayed with me since I read the book more than two years ago. The book is about aging and…

management techniques project management

book club wellbeing

project management

My husband and I just bought a Tesla. It is a very different buying experience – done primarily by website and text message. Being an engineer and a project manager,…

communication project management

I am several books behind on my project of writing up the ideas I have taken from the books I’ve read. This is partly due to the fact that writing…

book club wellbeing
